Wednesday, April 18, 2012

28 Day Detox- Day 3

I put on my fancy dangling earings today. A good friend of mine made them for me about 4 years ago. I put on my flip flops, because I felt like it. I put Jacob in his car seat and we drove 30 minutes to meet with new amazing moms for a bible study because I wanted to!

I have a choice in everything I do throughout the day and it makes me so grateful to have that freedom!

I made a choice on Sunday to wake up on Monday and start a liver detox because I wanted to make another improvement in my health. I am normally a very healthy eater, I teach Zumba® fitness, I teach Zumbatomic® to the kids, and I coach people through an 8 week lifestyle program called The Healthy Edge.

I thought I was pretty healthy! However, I have been missing taking care of my own self. I teach others all the time, but many times I forget about me.

Since Monday I have been choosing to do something different each day. I have picked up my bible again so I might actually complete it by December 31st, 2012. I have taken more time to sit and pause and take some deep breaths for meditation. Today I started blogging again!!!!! I am back writing in my journal about all the things I am grateful for each day.

Since day one of my Detox journey I have taken up the daily routine of keeping a food log. I mark the time I finished eating, exactly what I ate, and how much water I drank. I mark what supplements I took, what exercise I did, and how I felt throughout the day.

This is a ritual I followed for 8 weeks when I took on The Healthy Edge program a year ago. It keeps me accountable to myself and helps me to see what I have and haven't eaten in the day.

One thing I have noticed about my eating habits is I had a crutch for quite some time. Chocolate!!! It is a very common addiction between moms :) My husband travels a lot and tends to bring "me" back the large bars of chocolate. The problem is, once the bar is opened, I find it difficult to have just one square! I don't know about the rest of you, but it is like trying to have just one chip!

On Sunday as my family was driving home for church I kindly asked my hubby to not bring home any chocolate from his next business trip.

He sweetly said, "but you like it".
I replied, "I love it! However, it is not helping me on my healthy journey."
He promised not to bring anymore home or at least he won't tell me about it!

I am only on day 3 of the 28 Day Detox, and I have noticed a jump in energy just because of my attitude. I am feeling great spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Coincidentally, I have finally been sleeping through the night. This is always a challenge in our house because we have 3 small children and it is rare they all sleep past 6 am or they get up throughout the night. Sleep deprivation is very stressful on my body!

Today, I noticed a slight change in  my behaviour. As I was walking towards a brand new house to the bible study with my youngest son, Jacob, I found a fun way to get him to hold my hand as we crossed the street. I ASKED him to HELP me! So much nicer than struggling and having to pick up a screaming child because they don't want to hold my hand when I TELL him to!

I pray that my spirits stay lifted and that God helps me to find even more new strengths to make my days that much easier!

Lee-Anne xo

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